How to Write about Transportation: Elements of an Article


Websites dedicated to travel become more and more popular. Even though this niche is very profitable for the affiliates, it can be quite easy for your blog post to go unnoticeable. So how do you write articles about transportation that make your blog stand out? While what you write about is completely up to you, it’s good to include specific elements of an article structure which make it user-friendly and increase the conversion rates.

User-Friendly Transportation Post Structure

Although there are various approaches to structuring, most of our partners prefer a classical structure, which includes the following blocks of text:

  1. Description of the departure point – where are you traveling from
  2. List of available means of transportation
  3. A detailed description of all transportation types, time for travel and prices. Embedded tools like a search form and a timetable
  4. A description of specifics (if applicable) of night trips and various passenger group types (for ex. elderly, travelers with kids)
  5. A personal feedback on the travel experience
  6. Supporting visuals
  • Integrated and Easy-to-Use Ticket Search Forms

Embed a widget that provides an immediate quote for your readers. It not only saves their time, a search form also contributes to improving your blog’s user experience. Describe the form as a solution.

ticket search form

  • Embedded Timetable

This is another handy tool that shows the actual schedule of the chosen route in the form of a table.

12go asia timetable

  • Your Personal Opinion

Most travel articles will be around 1,000 – 2,000 words. Thus, use this space to provide your personal stories and suggestions on how you used a ticket booking service while traveling. Share what obstacles you have faced. This element adds credibility and trust to what you are promoting. This will not only hook your reader – a personal story will make them actually care about your life and your blog. And this is the key to winning a long-term audience.

  • Visuals

Did you know that just 20% of people actually recall what they read, while 80% remember what they see and do? With this in mind, try to choose the most appealing and relevant visual content. Three to five photos would do the job.

Dont’s forget to include the captions for your travel images, they help people understand what you want to say with an image. The more interesting and entertaining your article is for the readers, the more time they will spend on your page.

In our previous post, you can find the detailed guide on how to use the 12Go Asia partner tools and integrate them into your content.

Do you have any blog idea you would like us to cover or any questions about the 12Go Asia affiliate program? Contact our affiliate managers via, they will be happy to help you.

1 Comment
  1. Hari says

    How to make ticket search from in html and put html on posting page.

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